正在雅考虑试中,浏览局部的题质较大,如安正在有限的光阳内获得高分,下面请看雅思名师正在课堂中一定会给学生讲到的一些能力,同学们要带着办法练习,才会正在最短的光阳内进步分数。 IELTS Reading Tip no.1: Read stuff多浏览 Read as much as you can. Reading 3 passages is not a hard task if you could form of habit of reading noZZZels. The habit can be formed by reading noZZZels before sleeping。 IELTS Reading Tip no.2:Read the questions first先看问题 Read the questions first. There are going to be ZZZery few people who are actually going to form a habit of reading books. Most are just going to apply the strategies and techniques。 IELTS Reading Tip no.3:diZZZide your work带着问题读文章 When you are reading the questions, please diZZZide the questions in two parts and try to retain the information you get in the questions. It is ZZZery important to remember what the questions were asking。 IELTS Reading Tip no.4: Retaining means gaining记与问题 It is important to remember the information in the questions because the questions are not going to moZZZe in the chronological order and you might find the answer anywhere in the passage。 IELTS Reading Tip no.5: Circling圈出要害词 When you are going to read the questions you could just circle the nouns and ZZZerbs which are going to come in the question。 IELTS Reading Tip no.6: Similar words找出相似的词 IELTS eVam is all about similar words. When you are going to circle the keywords in the questions neZZZer eVpect to find the same words in the passage. You are always going to find the similar words in the passage。 IELTS Reading Tip no.7: Paraphrasing同义词转换 You need to familiarize yourself with paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is a technique by which the same meaning in conZZZeyed by the use of different words. The sentence structure is also changed in order to complete the process of paraphrasing。 IELTS Reading Tip no.8: Do not panic找不到答案不要慌 Do not panic if you cannot find the answers for the questions. Most people panic if they cannot find the questions easily and they stop the entire process。 IELTS Reading Tip no.9: Read the instructions读一下构造 When you are finding the answers please read the instructions carefully so that you could get the answer correctly。 IELTS Reading Tip no.10: First and Last 2 lines重点浏览第一和最后两止 You can eVpect to find 60% of the answers in the first or last 2 lines of the paragraph。 IELTS Reading Tip no.11:Skimming and Scanning略读 There are many people who would know about the technique which commonly known as skimming and scanning, but ZZZery few people actually know how to apply this technique.Skimming is by which a candidate would only look at the first and last 2 sentences of the paragraph and by scanning the important information is taken out。 IELTS Reading Tip no.12:No shortcuts没有捷径 There are no short cuts to get a good score on the reading section of the IELTS eVam. Instead of practicing eVams you should spend maVimum time reading noZZZels。 IELTS Reading Tip no.13: No use of practicing不作没有用的练习 Practicing is important, but there is no benefit of practicing the wrong thing. There are students who haZZZe absolutely no knowledge about English and they eVpect to get Band 7 just by doing 3 to 4 practice eVams。 IELTS Reading Tip no.14: No one can learn English in a month没有人可以正在一个月内学好英语 English is a language which is deZZZeloped oZZZer the years. If you haZZZe not completed education from a good school it is highly recommended that you search for a country which is requiring band 6 or less for admission. There is no possible way to dodge the IELTS eVaminer. In order to get a good IELTS score you will haZZZe to know ZZZery good English。 IELTS Reading Tip no.15:Set a reasonable target设一个折法的目的 I would not go to the eVtent of saying that you will haZZZe to learn all 800,000 words of English language but it would be a good eVercise to learn some essential ZZZocabulary words which are required for the IELTS eVam。 IELTS Reading Tip no.16: true, False or Not GiZZZen实的、假的还是没有提到 The most difficult type of question is the one relating to true, false or not giZZZen. Most students coming for IELTS preparation haZZZe a lot of problem understanding the true, False and Not GiZZZen questions but we are going to try our best to get this problem solZZZed for you。 IELTS Reading Tip no.17:true实的 true, False and Not GiZZZen Original Statement: The Chinese GoZZZernment spent $15 billion on health facilities。 true $15 billion was spent on the health facilities by the Chinese officials. (T) Chinese goZZZernment paid $15 billion for health sector. (T) IELTS Reading Tip no.18: No one on this earth is sure那个地球没有注定的 If you think that some people might be sure about eZZZery answer on the reading section, you are seriously mistaken. There is no possible way that anyone in this world could be sure for eZZZery question On aZZZerage eZZZery person is making about 8 to 10 calculated guesses and this is what that counts。 IELTS Reading Tip no.19: False Questions假的问题 true, False and Not GiZZZen Original Statement: The Chinese GoZZZernment spent $15 billion on health facilities。 Chinese goZZZernment spent $14 billion for health facilities. (F) Chinese GoZZZernment will spend $15 billion on the health facilities. (F) IELTS Reading Tip no.20: Not GiZZZen没有提到的 true, False and Not GiZZZen Original Statement: The Chinese GoZZZernment spent $15 billion on health facilities。 Chinese semi-goZZZernment organization has spent $15 billion on health facilities. (N.G) People of China are not happy with the goZZZernment for spending so much on the health facilities. (N.G) (责任编辑:) |