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PAGE PAGE # PAGE PAGE # 国开2023年春《理工英语3》机考网考期终温习资 料参考答案 《理工英语3》温习量料一 寒暄用语(单选题) 1、 一 Could you giZZZe me your phone number? 准确选项1. Sure.Could 准确选项1. Sure. Could you recommend some famous buiIdings to ZZZisit in China? 准确选项 1. I highly recommend the Bird* s Nest. (x) 3、 一 Happy New Year to you! 准确选项 1. The same to you . (x) 4、 一 Hello, HR Department, Mandy speaking. —Good morning. 准确选项 1. Th i s i s Henry. (x) 5、 一 I heard you had attended an act i ZZZ i ty for enZZZ i ronmenta I protect i on. Can you talk about it? 准确选项 1. Certainly, Id I i ke to. It is about the Earth Hour. (x) 6、 — I wonder if you could help me? 准确选项 1. Certainly. (x) 7、 — Smoking may result in many diseases I ike cancer. 准确选项 1. Oh, that is so terrible! (x) 8、 一 Some cars are really eVpensiZZZe. 准确选项 1. Certainly they are. They burn less gas. (x) 9、 一 What do you think of the documentary Protecting the Earth? — It has attracted lots of Tx audiences. 准确选项 1. Pretty good . (x) 10、 一 hat do you think of waste sorting? 准确选项 1. I think sorting is necessary. (x) 11 % — What* s the weather I ike in your hometown? 准确选项 1. It* s cold in winter and hot in summer. (x) 12、一 What* s your major pI ease? 准确选项 1. r m majoring in Interior Design. (x) 13、一 an you tel I me about the trash co 11ect i on? 准确选项 1. OK, let me show you . (x) 14、一 an you turn down the radio( please? 准确选项 1. I m sorry, I didn t real ize it was that loud. (x) 15、 一ouId you please help me carry the heaZZZy bag? 准确选项 1.With pleasure. (x) 16、 一 ou I d you p I ease te 11 me when wi 11 the promotion be? 准确选项 1. Maybe neVt month. (x) 17、 一oodbye, John. Come back again sometime. —Sure. 准确选项1.I will. (x) 18、 一 HaZZZen t seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now? 准确选项 1. I am working part time in a bookshop, you know. (x) 19、一 el Io, may I speak to Henry? 准确选项 1. This is Henry speaking. (x) 20、 一ey, Henry! 准确选项 1. He 11 o, there! How are you? (x) 21、 一Hit good morning. My name is Tim. This is my fi rst time to be 5 5 准确选项 准确选项 1. Of course (责任编辑:) |