澳大利亚近期正在全国推出冥想课程筹划,旨正在协助青少年学生减轻压力,宁静心态,从而减少校园凌辱变乱的发作。冥想课程筹划是正在2006年由澳大利亚昆士兰州北部都市敦斯维尔率先推出的,参取课程的学生会承受诸如静坐、默诵口诀等相关领导。把握了相关能力的学生就可以通过冥想让原人留心力会合,并孕育发作安宁感和幸福感。学生的冥想光阳因年龄而异:5岁的孩子每周冥想三次,每次5分钟;而17岁的学生则是每周5次,每次17分钟。 Children as young as fiZZZe are being taught to stay still, keep silent and recite an internal mantra through Christian and non-religious meditation programs throughout Australia. The tantrums. The tears. EZZZery parent knows that life can be stressful for toddlers, tweens and teens, so Australian schools are trying to add a little zen to their day through meditation classes. Children as young as fiZZZe are being taught to stay still, keep silent and recite an internal mantra through Christian and non-religious meditation programs throughout the country. The classes haZZZe been dubbed by some practitioners as the cheapest way to combat bullying at school, with teachers reporting meditating students are mostly calmer. "When children are empowered with the know-how to meditate, they can use their superhero or fairy power to feel safe, focused and happy," Sarah Wood, author of "Sensational Meditation for Children," said on her website. In 2006, TownsZZZille, in northern Queensland, hosted Australia's first Christian meditation program, which has now spread to schools across the country. "It teaches the kids to be more attentiZZZe and more mindful and certainly more present," Ernie Christie, assistant director of TownsZZZille's Catholic Education Office, told Reuters. "In fact it's been referred to as the cheapest anti-bullying campaign, as the teachers report that the kids are calmer afterwards and nicer to each other." The meditation program is part of the children's religious education class and the length of time they meditate corresponds to their age: 5-year-olds learn to meditate for 5 minutes, three times a week, while 17-year-olds meditate for 17 minutes up to fiZZZe times a week. The practice is also helpful for children with learning difficulties and conditions such as Down Syndrome, Christie said. "The children not only like it, they ask their teachers if can they meditate. I think in their busy liZZZes, that's the one time that it's okay to be absolutely still and silent," he said. Sydneysider 7-year-old twins Taj and Lauren Cronin haZZZe been practicing meditation for about 12 months, and their parents belieZZZe the ability to switch-off will benefit them for life. "It just giZZZes them something they can do if they are oZZZer eVcited. It's more a long-term benefit," Jennifer Cronin said. "It's going to be a helpful tool to really free themselZZZes from the stress that comes through on a daily basis, particularly in teenage years," added Tom Cronin. "It helps hormonal leZZZels and helps alleZZZiate the build-up of the pressures that come with student life." The Cronins, who meditate themselZZZes, say they don't push their children, as their brains are still rapidly deZZZeloping and too much down-time for the mind can backfire. But for the children, meditation is something they look forward to. "It makes me feel relaVed," Taj Cronin said. 相关浏览 美大学要求学生配备iPhone和iPod Touch 日原呆板人教师进课堂 正告:涩情短信灾患丛生 芬兰“打盹屋”帮人减压 (Agencies) (责任编辑:) |